We all want our man to be intoxicated with us don't we? Our ideal is where our man falls deeper and deeper in love with us the longer he knows us. We love hearing those men who say of their women... I love her more today than when I first met her. We want a man who loves us more and more each day; and we do not the reality that we see around us of men who love their women less and less with each passing day. So how do you make him love you more and more each day? What can you do to make him want you more?
1. Be yourself... and stay yourself! You need to be authentically you if you want to make him want you more. Who are you? What things do you like? What things do you dislike? Stay true to yourself and who you are. Remember that you matter in the relationship just as much as he does, so do not deny who you are and your needs. For some reason we think that if we deny ourselves and do only those things that he wants that he will want us more but sadly that doesn't work. He will want you more if you are value yourself as much as you value him.
2. Earn your respect in the relationship. For him to want you more he must love and respect you, what you stand for and who you are. If he has done something that has upset you then let him know... and do not let him dismiss your feelings. Be assertive and say what you mean... and mean what you say. Don't make threats that you will not carry out... actually don't make threats at all. Think of someone who you respect... how do they behave? That's how you need to behave. Disagree without being disagreeable; give and receive compliments and encouragement; express love and affection appropriately; and discuss your thoughts and feelings without feeling threatened and anxious or without the need to scream and shout. You want your daily interaction with him to deepen his love for you so that he wants you more each day.
3. Be all woman and happy at that! For him to want you more... you have to be fully living and enjoying life as a feminine woman. What invigorates you and keeps you excited about life? What stretches you and makes life the challenge that it was meant to be? Then get fully engaged so that you look and feel great.
To make him want you will mean that your daily interaction with him should deepen his love for you. These 3 ways will ensure that his love for you deepens.
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